Lot of 4 New Dell WYSE 5070 Pentium Silver J5005 1.5GHz 4GB 16GB SSD ThinOS 8.5

Lot of 4 New Dell WYSE 5070 Pentium Silver J5005 1.5GHz 4GB 16GB SSD ThinOS 8.5
Lot of 4 New Dell WYSE 5070 Pentium Silver J5005 1.5GHz 4GB 16GB SSD ThinOS 8.5
Lot of 4 New Dell WYSE 5070 Pentium Silver J5005 1.5GHz 4GB 16GB SSD ThinOS 8.5
Lot of 4 New Dell WYSE 5070 Pentium Silver J5005 1.5GHz 4GB 16GB SSD ThinOS 8.5
Lot of 4 New Dell WYSE 5070 Pentium Silver J5005 1.5GHz 4GB 16GB SSD ThinOS 8.5
Lot of 4 New Dell WYSE 5070 Pentium Silver J5005 1.5GHz 4GB 16GB SSD ThinOS 8.5
Lot of 4 New Dell WYSE 5070 Pentium Silver J5005 1.5GHz 4GB 16GB SSD ThinOS 8.5
Lot of 4 New Dell WYSE 5070 Pentium Silver J5005 1.5GHz 4GB 16GB SSD ThinOS 8.5
Lot of 4 New Dell WYSE 5070 Pentium Silver J5005 1.5GHz 4GB 16GB SSD ThinOS 8.5
Lot of 4 New Dell WYSE 5070 Pentium Silver J5005 1.5GHz 4GB 16GB SSD ThinOS 8.5

Lot of 4 New Dell WYSE 5070 Pentium Silver J5005 1.5GHz 4GB 16GB SSD ThinOS 8.5
Lot of 4 New Dell WYSE 5070 Pentium Silver J5005 1.5GHz 4GB 16GB SSD ThinOS 8.5. Condition Information & What's Included. Item is NEW & unused. Box opened to inspect item condition. Note: If it's not in the pictures or specifically mentioned in the description text, it's probably not included. Or our parent company (CSI Leasing) have a physical representation or provide a service. Is proud to offer business-grade I. And Computer equipment of all kinds. Most of our equipment is "Off-Lease", used equipment, so whether it's a laptop, desktop, monitor, printer, or one of our other amazing deals, each piece is likely coming to you from a working business-type environment.

While the physical condition of our used equipment may have minor scratches, blemishes, or other deficiencies from regular use, each piece is guaranteed to be in good working condition. Please check each listing's description carefully. Our Certified Technicians inspect our used equipment and verify it to be in good working condition before we post it for sale. However, while most of our items are ready to go right out of the box, some of our equipment may be missing individual components such as a battery, power adapter, printer ribbons, etc. Has been in business since 1984 and is a wholly-owned subsidiary of CSI Leasing - the largest independent I.

Leasing company in the United States! We are a full-service, technology-driven business and we are ready to provide you with today's best computer-based solutions.

Whether it be for home or business, we've got you covered! Hours of operation: Internet Sales Department - Columbia, South Carolina. USA Open Monday-Friday, 7am-3pm Eastern Time. (EPC) Global Privacy Policy Effective date: July 15th, 2018 Introduction : Your privacy is important to Executive Personal Computers Inc (EPC), and its global affiliates (collectively "EPC" or "we" or "our").

This Policy explains what Personal Data we collect from you, why we collect and process your personal data, when and with whom your personal data is shared, and your rights with respect to your Personal Data. In order to provide outstanding service, we must collect, maintain and process certain Personal Data about our customers, suppliers and other business contacts. We recognize and respect your privacy concerns and expectations about how we use this information.

We want you to know about our privacy policies and practices, and what we do to protect your Personal Data. 23.00 x 21.00 x 10.00 Stock Info Item ID: 22388 Location: 16E1, 16E2 Revised: 7/6/2023 Inventory Sector: 1+ Inventory Number(s): 6844740101 6844740113 6844740123 6844740126 6844740144 6844740173 6844740302 6844740313 6844740315 6844740326 6844740327 6844740328 6844740335 6844740336 6844740337 6844740338 6844740339 6844740341 6844740343 6844740344 6844740345 6844740348 6844740365 6844740367 6844740369 6844740372 6844740375 6844740381 6844740383 6844740386 6844740387 6844740389 6844740390 6844740391 6844740392 6844740400 6844740403 6844740407 6844740411 6844740413 6844740416 6844740474 6844740483 6844740503. Powered by SixBit's eCommerce Solution.

Lot of 4 New Dell WYSE 5070 Pentium Silver J5005 1.5GHz 4GB 16GB SSD ThinOS 8.5